"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." Matthew 6:33

Working with the churches of Mozambique
and other countries of the Portuguese language.

Trabalhando com as igrejas de Moçambique e
outros países de língua portuguesa.

website update

Please note that this site is currently under re-construction and design.
Por favor note que o site está a ser atualizado.

contact us

For further information please contact:
Chris and Maria do Carmo Hemborough
Email: projectomoz@gmail.com

UK Details:
Project Mozambique - Plus
c/o The Bible Christian Centre,
Haselbury Plucknett, Crewkerne, Somerset,
TA18 7QX.

Ana Hemborough
Tel: +44 7826 450187
Email: ana.hemborough@gmail.com

contact us

For further information please contact:
Chris and Maria do Carmo Hemborough
Email: projectomoz@gmail.com

UK Details:
Project Mozambique - Plus
c/o The Bible Christian Centre,
Haselbury Plucknett, Crewkerne, Somerset,
TA18 7QX.

Ana Hemborough
Tel: +44 7826 450187
Email: ana.hemborough@gmail.com

For donations, please make out cheques/money draft orders to
‘Project Mozambique’

Donations can also be sent direct to the bank account of Project Mozambique - Plus:
Name of account - Project Mozambique
Bank sort code - 20 99 40
Account number – 00993972
This account is held at Barclays Bank

Please Note - For those paying U.K. taxes, donations can be Gift Aided. For further details please contact the treasurer.

With grateful thanks for your support!


Telefone: 961942307 / 913585675
Rua 5 de Outubro, 41, Vale da Pinta, 2070-566 Cartaxo.

Portugal ofertas podem ser enviadas para a conta seguinte
NIB: 0010 0000 5561 3480 0019 5
IBAN: PT50 0010 0000 5561 3480 0019 5

Muito obrigado pelo seu apoio!

Donations can also be sent direct to the bank account of Project Mozambique - Plus:
Name of account - Project Mozambique
Bank sort code - 20 99 40
Account number – 00993972
This account is held at Barclays Bank

Please Note - For those paying U.K. taxes, donations can be Gift Aided. For further details please contact the treasurer.

With grateful thanks for your support!


Telefone: 961942307 / 913585675
Rua 5 de Outubro, 41, Vale da Pinta, 2070-566 Cartaxo.

Portugal ofertas podem ser enviadas para a conta seguinte
NIB: 0010 0000 5561 3480 0019 5
IBAN: PT50 0010 0000 5561 3480 0019 5

Muito obrigado pelo seu apoio!